I've got to find a better name for these posts when I gather together tidbits from the web. I'm trying to think of some way to play off the Wittenberg Church door as the community bulletin board, but I'm coming up dry. Any ideas??
Tsunami Relief
It's been just a little over a month now since a tsunami devastated many parts of South Asia. Let's not let time allow us to forget how people are still suffering there. (How many paychecks has your family received in that time?) Let's continue to donate to Christian organizations who will deliver bread in mercy, and not be intimidated into withholding word of the Bread of Life. I am supporting the PCA's Mission to the World Tsunami Relief Fund.
Christian Carnival
Digitus, Finger & Co. has this week's Christian Carnival up. Thanks, Neil, for hosting this week.
Next week's Christian Carnival will be hosted here at Wittenberg Gate. I encourage all Christian bloggers to participate. The posts need not be religious in nature. Please get submissions of your best post from this past week to me by Tuesday, Feb. 1st, by midnight, US Eastern time. Please include the following: Your site name, your main site URL, the name of your post, the URL for your post, a short description of your post, and, if you want a trackback, a trackback link. These can be emailed to me at the email link you can find near the top of my left sidebar.
Christian Bloggers Convention?
Hugh Hewitt made the suggestion that a convention for Christian bloggers, with non-Christian bloggers invited as well, might be in order. Andy Jackson of SmartChristian Blog has taken that bull by the horns and is willing to host this event if there is sufficient interest. The response has been overwhelming! Read the latest here at SmartChristian Blog. How does October in Arizona sound to you?
Evangelical Blog Awards
Here's a great way to get some excellent blogs some recognition in the blogosphere. Eric Ragle of Evangelical Underground is sponsoring the Evangelical Blog Awards. Nominations are open until Feb. 14th in several categories, and for a short time you can suggest other categories if you like. Go here for the latest on nominations and categories.
For the Apologetically Inclined
Dr. James Arlandson, a professor of philosophy and world religions, has written some insightful articles over at American Thinker on the subject of Islam. Check out this one and this one. This is very helpful reading for Christians wanting to make an informed defense of Christianity against the claims of Islam.
This and That name suggestions:
1. Quick Tacks
2. Thumb Tacks
3. Reeses Theses (It hurt just as bad to type it!)
4. Short Notices
I suppose all of the above could be singular as well. I'm sure I could come up with 91 more if necessary.
Posted by: Reed Porter | January 28, 2005 at 12:56 PM
New name suggestions...
Beyond The Gate
Beyond The Door
If your site the 'the gate' or 'the door', all other sites are beyond it.
Posted by: Jeff Smith | January 28, 2005 at 01:30 PM
This and That=Postings
Posted by: Diane R | January 28, 2005 at 01:36 PM
Off-topic: This is the first time I've been here since I saw you in the King of the Blogs Tournament. I was looking for info on the Christian Carnival.
I just wanted to say that I like the new look - brighter, cheerier, easier to read, and I like the new banner pic, too :-)
Posted by: Harvey | January 31, 2005 at 01:41 PM